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"You're old, not if you have many years behind you, but if you have few years ahead." KBS
"A primary goal of most religions is peace. How ironic..." KBS
"The stressed terrorist impressed the dressed tourist from the forest as he pressed and caressed her breast in a restaurant's restroom." KBS
"When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die." Eleanor Roosevelt
"If you have high expectations, expect disappointment." KBS
"An optimist is never pleasantly surprised." unknown
"A pencil without an eraser is only half a pencil. But half a pencil with an eraser is a whole pencil." KBS
"Everything in moderation." Aristotle
"A moderate number of things in moderation." KBS
"I want instant gratification, and I want it NOW!!!" KBS 
 "Learn from the past, look to the future, live in the present." KBS
"A humble person cannot be humiliated." KBS 
"Youth is wasted on the young." unknown 
"Life is wasted on the living." Douglas Adams


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Last updated: 7/24/14