Once there was a woman who complained all the time. From the very instant she woke up, she was already complaining that she had just been in the middle of a dream, even if she couldn't remember the dream. If the temperature wasn't too hot, it was too cold. And even when she had nothing to complain about, she complained that she couldn't complain.
One day, God spoke to her, saying, "I have heard enough of your complaining. You may complain three more times, and as soon as you complete your third complaint, you will die. From now on, each of your complaints will count against you, even if you don't complain out loud... unless you retract your complaint within five minutes."
Well, the woman never used any of her three complaints. Whenever she caught herself complaining, even if it was only in her mind, she would immediately shout emphatically, "NO - NO - NO - NO - NO!!! Not that one! Not that one! I take it back! It's okay. It's okay. Really, it's just fine. I can accept it." Even when she was 98 years old, lying on her deathbed, she refused to complain that she was dying. She just kept whispering, "It's okay... It's okay... It's okay..."